Seine Nachbarn kennenlernen, die Region erkunden, die Sprache verstehen, den kulturellen Austausch pflegen – das sind die Ziele der Deutsch-Polnischen Bildungsbrücke, einer Kooperation des Gymnasiums und der Grundschule in Zielona Góra mit dem Campus in Stift Neuzelle sowie dem Campus am Spreebogen in Fürstenwalde. Erste Projekte wie eine Briefpartnerschaft zwischen deutschen und polnischen Grundschülerinnen und Grundschülern, waren der Start in einen anhaltenden intensiven Austausch. 2011 begannen die langfristigen Schulkooperationen, mit dem Ziel, an der gemeinsamen Entwicklung der Grenzregion Brandenburg-Lubuskie mitzuwirken. Raum für interkulturelle Begegnungen wurden geschaffen und die grenzübergreifende Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Schulen ausgebaut.

Zielona Góra (Poland)
The foundation is located in the centre of the city, right next to the Focuspark shopping centre. Pupils can attend two types of general education school here, from primary school (grades 1 to 8) to the Liceum (upper secondary school, grades 9 to 12), which leads to the Matura (Abitur).

The Campus at Stift Neuzelle (Brandenburg/Germany)
The campus is located in the buildings of the former Cistercian monastery in Neuzelle in south-east Brandenburg. In close cooperation with the Neuzelle Abbey Foundation, Rahn Education established its first boarding school, a grammar school and a music school here in 2003. The independent secondary school was added later. More than 600 pupils from the surrounding area and all over the world study on the campus.

Fürstenwalde (Brandenburg/Germany)
In the centre of Fürstenwalde in Brandenburg, Rahn Education has succeeded in creating the Campus am Spreebogen from locations close to each other. The campus spans the entire educational pathway from nursery school to the advanced technical college entrance qualification and also has its own branch of our music and art school.