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University entrance qualification - Feststellungsprüfung (FSP)

The Feststellungsprüfung (FSP) certificate is a subject-specific higher education entrance qualification. Once you have passed the FSP, you can apply for a place at any German university or university of applied sciences with your certificate from Rahn Education's state-recognised Studienkolleg.


Our range of courses

Our range of courses is aimed at applicants whose diploma from abroad does not allow direct admission to university. The courses are concluded with an assessment test. Courses start twice a year. The language of instruction in all courses is German. 

You have the opportunity to register for the following two-semester courses:


The T-course is aimed at applicants who wish to study a technical, mathematical or scientific (except biological) degree programme at a college or university in Germany.

The course comprises 2 semesters of 18 weeks each and prepares students for the assessment test of the T specialisation course.

The lessons per week comprise 30 lessons of 45 minutes each.

Subject overview T-course:

  • German (10 lessons per week)
  • Maths (8 lessons per week)
  • Physics (6 lessons per week)
  • Chemistry (4 lessons per week)
  • Computer science (2 lessons per week)


The W course is aimed at applicants who wish to study an economics degree programme at a university in Germany.
The course comprises 2 semesters of 18 weeks each and prepares students for the assessment test of the W specialisation course.

The lessons per week comprise 30 lessons of 45 minutes each.

Subject overview W course:

Subject overview W-course:

  • German (10 lessons per week)
  • Maths (8 lessons per week)
  • Economics and business administration (6 lessons per week)
  • Computer science (2 hours per week)
  • Social studies (2 hours per week)